No-car staycation instead of a digital detox

No-car staycation instead of a digital detox

This Christmas-New Year break was all about staying at home and chilling out. Due to a planning error (who me?) my car had to stay at the mechanics while we waited for a part. Now at this time of the year lots of people do a digital/social media detox. I did a car detox! There are advantages ...

So, you should do that DIY project: Nope, no car to get supplies!

You should do that gardening project: Nope, no car to get supplies!

You want that little thing from Spotlight so you can do some selfish sewing: Yep, only 8 minutes on the bike.

You want wine, chips and a magazine: Yep, plenty of room in the bike's basket!

And you want to live in comfy, bike-friendly Mosey pants: YEP!

Do you want your own Mosey Pants? You can get them here

Posted: Sun 05 Jan 2020
